Titled Series
When feelings and emotions meet creative way of expressing. Here's a collection of illustrations and graphic designs I have created over the past few years and wish to continue creating. - Illustrator - designer - artist

This is my favorite memory of us and it will always hold of piece of me. With all the ups and downs, this night makes me forget all the downs and reminds how good we were together. But I guess we can’t hold on to a memory in the hope to make everything ok.

The tighter you try to hold on to someone the, more they pull away from you. You will either end up drowning yourself or drown them. The moment you realize you need to hold on to someone tightly know that they have gone already.

Sometime you gotta accept it’s you and just you. There is no one coming to save you or wipe your tears. Only you have the power to pick yourself up and face it with a smile. The moment you accept it is the moment you set yourself free. 🤍

This is my favorite memory of us and it will always hold of piece of me. With all the ups and downs, this night makes me forget all the downs and reminds how good we were together. But I guess we can’t hold on to a memory in the hope to make everything ok.

Don’t let the past hold you back. You have to keep moving ahead. Looking back will only wake up the monsters you buried.

Not knowing what’s coming next is always scary, but exciting at the same time. Don’t stop now, enjoy the journey and embrace the unknown!

Face it till you make it. Running away from problems doesn’t help. You own up to your actions and face the consequences.

Don’t let the past hold you back. You have to keep moving ahead. Looking back will only wake up the monsters you buried.

Passion is like good wine, it keeps getting stronger day by day.

Together Forever 👩🏻❤️💋👨🏽

Passion is like good wine, it keeps getting stronger day by day.